Get all functionality
Eina works like a common portable music player. Just plays what you want to listen.
Apart from simplicity, today users expect more from a player than just reading files. Artwork, lyrics, network support, artist data and other music information find their right place in Eina.
Plugins can take care of all the extra functionality, since Eina exposes everything from its internals. It’s fairly easy to extend the player capabilities and change the way it works inside. Feel free to request new features and make things the way you like.
What is new in 0.14.0
* Support for gtk-3.2 with -DDISABLE_DEPRECATED
* Better HIG compilance for dialogs and modal windows
* Art metadata is now handled in liblomo
More sophisticated interfaces on top of liblomo
* liblomo depends on libgel
* Playlist has built-in search (try control+f)
* Dark theme used by default
* Update translations
* More documentation and gobject-introspection coverage
* New APIs for EinaPlaylist
Cara install Eina Media Player 0.14.0 lewat PPA di ubuntu debian linux, Install Eina Media Player 0.14.0 in ubuntu
Open the terminal and run the following commands
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:eina/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install eina-player
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