Sunday, April 1, 2012

cara install thema icon AwOken 2.4 di ubuntu 12.04/11.10

Added AWOKEN folders! Now the set is integrated with the most cool and stylish folders ever!

Drastic revision of mimetypes: now they use a different template icon (modified from Elementary icon set), and they’re more refined in 24×24 version!

Most of the 22×22 actions icons that have characterized the latest versions have been brought to 24x24px and 128x128px resolutions. So the iconset become cleaner, cooler and more integrated! Consequently, also some status icons are changed.

Mail icons redrawed (both in bigger and in lower resolution). Now your favourite email client’s toolbar (except thunderbird) works like a charm!

Added ppa for precise.

Drastic revision of the colorization script: now is faster, cleaner and supports parallel processing. This lead to a serious improvement on latest multi-core machines, but also on elder computers. Another big improvement is related to the fact that is now accepting RGB colors instead of CMY colors!

Revision of the Installation and Instructions PDF file.

Removed gedit choice from the customization script (it’s useless having the possibility to change only one icon!).

Removed some folder sub-types, since the iconset is became too big. They are classy-yellow, classy-carboard, classy-white, classy-black. For the same reason, removed (from other folder types) folder-joomla, folder-wip, folder-science2, folder-windows, folder-apple, folder-ffw, folder-byte, folder-cd, folder-fonts, folder-linux1, folder-linux2, folder-public, folder-important.

Application added (or redrawed): accessories-text-editor-symbolic, document-open-symbolic, network-wired-disconnected, ubuntuone emblems, gtk-zoom-100 in 22x22px, jdownloader, gwibber, mail-message-new, mail-forward, mail-outbox, mail-mark-important (-junk, -notjunk, -unread, -spam), mail-reply, mail-reply-all, mail-move, edit-delete-mail, extract-archive, add-files-to-archive, add-folder-to-archive, gnome-pie, gelemental, luminance-hdr, application-x-mint, grooveshark, mintinstall, addressbook icons, call-start, call-stop, fillmore, gpick, gftp, batti, marlin, kompozer, preferences-desktop, preferences-system, preferences-desktop-personal, mime for video, midori, djvulibre, plank, fontforge, ffanvil, general settings icons, kupfer, acetoneiso, videoporama, beatbox, nvclock, cryptkeeper, bino, isomaster (I hope), gpixpod, graveman, gshutdown, ogmrip, billardgl, foobillard, fedora live usb, mp3-splt-gtk, yarock, scim-setup, application-fonts, mono-runtime, gnome-settings-default-applications, nitrogen, musique

Application added (or redrawed) specifically for KDE version: application-x-tarz, imagewriter, script-error, code-context, edit-link, view-group, edit-select, select-rectangular, zoom-select, insert-text, select_rectangular, run-build-install-root

Install awoken 2.4 in ubuntu 12.04/11.10

Open the terminal and run the following commands
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alecive/antigone
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install awoken-icon-theme

If you want to customize the icon theme run the following command from your terminal


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