Saturday, March 31, 2012

menggunakan Linux sebagai server vmware

I’ve been taking a Linux course at National City Adult Education Center. It’s a basic course and I’m taking it because the school imposed a 20 student minimum to hold the class. Without the class, the Kernel-Panic Linux User Group Installfests, would have to find a new venue. I’m also taking the class because I like learning.

One of the benefits I enjoy, is that I’m required to have a hard drive and removable carrier for the class. Each computer in the classroom has 2 carriers and no hard drives. Students bring their own drives and learn to install and configure everything on their own hard drive. If the install the bay into another computer they own, they can carry their “computer” back and forth and do their “homework” on the system their home system.

This is a class about Linux and networking. Since the school doesn’t have the resources to provide each student with three computers, the instructor provides instructions for installing Vmware server and SuSE and Ubuntu distributions. This allows them to create a virtual network for exploring and learning.

I took it further and am installing multiple distributions, including Debian and Mandriva as well as several firewall distributions. So I can boot up a virtual machine, look at and test the installed distribution. It’s a great help when I want to do reviews of various firewalls. Watch for more reviews and comments here in the future.

ubuntu geek

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