The main features of Bombono DVD are:
Excellent video viewer: Timeline and Monitor
Real WYSIWYG Menu Editor with live thumbnails
Comfortable Drag-n-Drop support
Transcoding, if necessary (from AVI/MKV/MOV/MPEG4…)
Motion menus
Subtitles support
You can author to folder, make ISO-image or burn directly to DVD
Reauthoring: you can import video from DVD discs
What is new Bombono DVD 1.2
Now Bombono DVD can fully utilize multi-core CPUs: it spawns transcoding jobs in parallel and/or use -threads the option of ffmpeg rationally. Depending on your CPU it can greatly reduce time to make DVD.
Multi-core CPU support for transcoding videos
Time calculation left to take authoring
Translations: Chinese simplified (Wylmer Wang), Danish, German (Roland Illig), Finnish, Italian, Ukrainian
No File Browser, see #60
More menu items:
Arrows and other icons can be used in menus, not only frames; if you want to use your own pictures then just add them to ~/AppData/Roaming/bombono-dvd/icons (Win7) or ~/.config/bombono-dvd/icons (Linux)
New frames, from Dietrich Martin
Many default icons: checks, arrows, rounds etc (thanks to abstrusus)
Web browser
Better 16:9 DVD support:
Generation of two subpicture streams for 16:9 menus: letterbox and widescreen, see #56
More than 12 buttons for 16:9
Splash screen (an app can’t live without it, seriously)
Bitrate Calculator:
Apply changes for multiple videos at once, see #58
Custom ffmpeg options entry
Copy&Paste&Cut for menu items; Copy Menu function, see #50
Error Report before authoring, if needed: buttons overlap, DVD capacity exceeded, etc
Menu Editor:
Preserve aspect ratio when resizing buttons, see #45 (with Shift)
Highlight border only, see #27
Snap to grid, see #44
3 styles to span background of menu: Fill, Fit and Stretch
Rename items in Menu|Media Browser via function “Rename” & no conflict with DnD
The ticket #32 fix: Cannot jump to chapter N of title M, only N-1 exist
Changelog for Windows:
Add Videos from DVD is on
Look & Feel:
Modern UI themes based on Murrine engine added: Ambiance, Dust, Dust Sand, Radiance, see Screenshots; you can turn them on in Preferences
Humanity icon theme applied
Native Windows folder selection dialog is used now instead of Gtk’ one
SVG support
WMP (Windows Media Player) support for playing result
Cara install Bombono DVD 1.2 lewat PPA di ubuntu debian linux, Install Bombono DVD 1.2
Open the terminal and run the following commands
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:muravjov-il/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bombono-dvd-testing
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