Sunday, April 1, 2012

cara install Epiphany di ubuntu debial linux - browser

Epiphany is the web browser for the GNOME desktop. Its goal is to be simple and easy to use. Epiphany ties together many GNOME components in order to let you focus on the Web content, instead of the browser application. As part of the GNOME project, Epiphany is Free Software.

Epiphany displays webpages with the same speed and accuracy as other popular browsers, such as Safari or Firefox. In addition, it provides an elegant, responsive and uncomplicated user interface that fits in perfectly with GNOME, and it has been translated to over sixty languages!

Install Epiphany in ubuntu 11.10

Open the terminal and run the follwing commands
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser


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