Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Vector Notation - Understanding Definition, Example, Formula and Sollution

vector is known as in v for a vector named ‘v’. In handwriting, where boldface type is either unavailable or unwieldy, vectors are often represented with right-pointing arrows or harpoons above their names, as in . Shorthand notations include tildes and straight lines placed above or below the name of a vector.

A rectangular vector is a coordinate vector specified by components that define a rectangle (or rectangular prism in three dimensions, and similar shapes in greater dimensions). The starting point and terminal point of the vector lie at opposite ends of the rectangle (or prism, etc.).

Ordered Set

A rectangular vector in mathbb{R}^n can be specified using an ordered set of components, enclosed in either parentheses or angle brackets.

In a general sense, an n-dimensional vector v can be specified in either of the following forms:

Where v1v2, …, vn − 1vn are the components of v.


A rectangular vector in  can also be specified as a row or column matrix containing the ordered set of components. A vector specified as a row matrix is known as a row vector; one specified as a column matrix is known as a column vector.

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